External blade inspection with Eolos robot

No, the robot performs the photographic inspection from the wind turbine tower. The high quality obtained is due to the fact that our EOLOS robot remains attached to the tower and moves through it to a certain height, positioning itself very close to the blade.

No, the robot weighs about 25 kg, and a single operator can place it on the tower. Once positioned, the operator remotely controls the robot from an area close to the wind turbine, in no case under the robot. It is a robot with powerful magnets that prevent the robot from falling, but if the robot slid down it would never fall on anyone.

Indeed, it is necessary to stop the aero for a few minutes to be able to carry out the inspection. The EOLOS robot can climb the tower with the wind generator operating, however, to take pictures it is necessary to stop it and position the blades according to our procedure so that the shot is very high quality.

Our usual inspection rate is 5 wind turbines per day, the inspection usually takes about 80 / 90min per wtg.

There is no wind limitation. The Eolos robot, by adhering to the tower metal surface using powerful magnets, can carry out the inspection normally in strong wind conditions.

The robot is controlled by a technician as it goes up and down the tower. The images are taken through a semi-automatic process supervised by a technician. This way we make sure that all images are in focus and at the highest quality.

Internal blade inspection with Cerberus robot

Indeed, it is a small robot that makes possible to inspect deep into the blade, reducing the inspection time, the costs and the risks for the technicians.

To carry out this inspection, the operator only places the robot at the beginning of blade, and later it is managed by remote control from the nacelle.

The CERBERUS robot is equipped with a safety cable so it can be rescued from any point.

Yes, it is. It is necessary to stop the wind turbine and place the blade horizontally parallel to the ground.

The usual internal inspection ratio is 1.5 wind turbines per day, the inspection usually takes about 4 hours per wtg.

No, the Cerberus robot has 2 high definition side cameras. These cameras can be directed to any area of your choice, usually the glue lines. 360 cameras, at the moment, do not provide great image quality and have a “fish-eye” effect that distorts the proportions.

Tower weld inspection with Kratos robot

The weld inspection service offered by TSR, as well as the rest of the services, are designed to optimize costs and avoid risk to workers. Cranes or elevators are not necessary, it is a magnetic robot that attaches to the steel tower and moves by remote control.

This is an ultrasound inspection. The KRATOS robot is equipped with a powerful industrial device with Phased Array and TOFD technology. Information can be monitored in real time or downloaded for later inspection.

Indeed, TSR has a level 2 ultrasound specialist on its team, who would be in charge of carrying out the damage report.

Indeed, TSR has a level 2 ultrasound specialist on its team, who would be in charge of carrying out the damage report.

The inspection time depends mainly on the height of the tower and the number of welds to be inspected. An average inspection rate for an 8-section tower is about 2 or 3 hours.

In no case. It is an NDT (nondestructive testing) ultrasound equipment, and it does not cause any type of damage to the tower.

TSR Inspector - Damage Report

The categorization and performance of the damage report is an optional service to the inspection. TSR Wind has expert blade technicians who can make the reports. The 4 complete surfaces images of the hole blade are found on our web platform, available to perform the categorization and automatic report of wind turbine damage. This categorization could be done by our experts or by the client. In the same way, our software facilitates an image reconstruction of the recording made during the internal inspection to be able to categorize the damage.

The TSR Inspector platform allows you to download an EXCEL document with all the data collected in our inspections, the name of the aero, the blade’s serial number, the categorization of damages found and their description, etc …

Yes, TSR Inspector collects all the inspections data carried out with TSR Wind and automatically prepares graphs, including the annual comparison of the number of damages found or their severity over time.

No, users are personal and linked to an email address. For security reasons, each person must have their own username and password.

No, TSR Inspector does not allow this option. However, the images can be made available to the client if required.

Yes, the user can access TSR Inspector from mobiles, tablets and computers as long as they have an internet connection.